11 February | 15 April 2023
Opening: February at 12 a.m.

Hidrografies brings together two projects with the water a common thread. The show develops both projects generating a dialogue between them, thus opposing a current issue, the lack of essential resources in refugee camps on the limits of Europe. The approach starts in a nearby rural environment where water appears from the origins as an enabling element of life, to the point that it determines not only the settlement and structure of the populations but also the relationships between neighbours. 

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hidrografies pilar beltr  n

projecte aigua pilar beltr  n2

projecte aigua pilar beltr  n
projecte aigua pilar beltr  n

pilar beltran  projecte d aigua ii

acte concialiaci

acte de conciliaci   pilar beltran 1

sabons acte de concialici  4

sabons acte de conciliaci   1

sabons acte de concialici   2

sabons acte de concialici   3


  Antonio Maura, 6,
Castelló de la Plana, 12001 , (Castelló)

  964 22 88 79

  670 369 847


From Tuesday to Saturday: 7pm - 9pm

For additional hours, only by appointment.